Frosted Vinyl


Frosted glass film and printable glass films are a quick and economical alternative to the traditional method of etching on glass. If you are an interior designer or are looking to give that ‘wow’ effect to the glass partitions in your office/home, read on to find out the options available at Orchid Digitals.

Less costly than real etched glass, our etched vinyl film allows for some light to pass through but is still sufficiently opaque to offer privacy for offices, conference rooms in addition to other confidential areas. With this must-have tool, the branding possibilities are endless! You can add a simple frosted vinyl logo to your glass window, use it as a branded privacy film or perhaps you may cover an entire glass wall of your conference room with corporate logos for a striking visual effect.



Get your frosted etched vinyl film as fast as you need it! We are proud to offer lighting-fast print turnaround times on our selection of promotional and marketing items. Upload your design file, and select four business-day print turnaround time and get your prints in less than a week! Just approve your free online proof, and our expert staff will take care of the rest.

Galaxy Signage in terms of Frosted Vinyl:

Frosted glass films are the easy, Do-It-Yourself way to add the decorative elegance of frosted glass to any plain glass surface; windows, glass doors, shower enclosures, mirrors, glass tables, cabinet doors and more. These Frosted films contain a finely ground glass dust that recreates the beautiful shimmer and sparkle of expensive frosted glass.